
China food emergency; Florida virus cases spike due to 7 week backlog; CA church defies state order

(00:00) Florida Cases Spike Due to 7 Week Backlog
Florida health officials on Wednesday confirmed over 8,000 new CCP virus infections. But over half of them were due to a 7-week backlog of cases, that were released by a lab in a single day. The backlog of testing data came from a Lab in Miami, dating back to June 23.

(01:43) CA Church Stays Open Despite State Orders
California is still facing strict restrictions, as churches and schools are forced to stay closed. But one pastor refuses to close, on the grounds of standing up for freedom.

(04:06) Nebraska Bans TikTok on State Devices
Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts says Nebraska is banning TikTok on all state devices because of security concerns. He said, “The Chinese government has long engaged in systematic, covert efforts to access sensitive data from U.S. governments, companies, and individuals. As an app owned by a company based in China, TikTok is legally obligated to provide data from its users to the country’s communist regime upon request.”

(05:15) Crackdown on China’s Big Eater Celebrities
A niche of Chinese internet celebrities—who built their fame on their enormous appetites—is suffering a setback. That’s because Chinese leader Xi Jinping is urging the country to stop wasting food. Major video platforms in China now say they’ll punish users seen wasting food in their content.

#CasesSpike #TikTokBan #ChinaFoodCrisis

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